Studio Facilities

Limerick Printmakers are committed to maintaining and developing a modern, accessible studio that facilitates printmakers, those that utilise print in their work, and photographers alike by hosting a range of high quality printmaking equipment from its spacious studio in Johns Square, Limerick city. LP supports a wide variety of printmaking techniques including intaglio, relief, silkscreen, lithography, alongside digital printmaking plus a darkroom, and cyanotype.

Supported Print Methods

  • Planographic
  • Intaglio
  • Relief
  • Photography
  • Digital Printing

Print Methods Supported by LP Facilities

Planographic Silkscreen, Plate & Stone Lithography, Monoprint
Intaglio Etching, Drypoint, Aquatint, Photo-etching
Relief Woodblock, Linocut, Letterpress, Collograph
Photography Darkroom
Digital PrintingEpson 7800 Digital Printer
Other Resources Paper Guillotine, Metal Sheet Shearer

Silkscreen Facility
– Precision Silkscreen press, bed size 110cm x 155.5cm
– Natgraph Silkscreen press, bed size 218cm x 142cm
– Natgraph Drying cabinet, interior size 130cm x 150cm
– UV exposure unit and vacuum bed in darkroom with safelights, bed size 155cm x 145cm
– Aquatint dot screen
– Wet room with back lit washout booth
– K’archer power washer

Letterpress/Woodblock Facility
– Asbern Proofing Press, motorised editioning, 50cm x 68cm
– Lyme Bay base for photopolymer plates 13cm x 9cm
– Adana Press – supports A5 size paper
– Selection of letterpress type in various sizes and fonts
– Type setting tools

Etching Facility
– Polymetaal Etching press, bed size 100cm x 200cm
– Art Equipment Etching press, bed size 60cm x120cm
– Art Equipment Hot Plate, bed size 50cm x 60cm
– Polymetaal Rosin Dust Box, SK-80, 80cm x 100cm
– Heat gun and rack to melt rosin
– Variety of professional quality rollers

Photographic Darkroom Facility
– Light proof with safelights and ventilation
– Krokus 35 colour photographic enlarger
– Durst M600 colour photographic enlarger
– Meopta magnifax photographic enlarger
– UV exposure unit for photopolymer plates
– Cutting mat for photo etch prep
– Browns Ampro 80 Darkroom sink
– Film processing tanks for 35mm & 120mm film
– Light box (55cm x 48cm)

Acid room Facility
– Fume cupboard with baths for copper, zinc and aluminium

Lithography Facility
– Polymetaal JI-80 Lithography Press,bed size 82cm x 114cm
– Lithographic stones sized between 25cm x 30cm and 106cm x 80cm
– Graining sink with hand levigator

Other Facilities
– IDEAL 5250A Electronic paper guillotine (A2 sheets)
– Mechanical shear for sheet metal

Digital Printmaking Facility
– Epson Stylus Pro7800 Large format archival digital printer


Becoming a Member – The Application Process

All prospective members are required to submit an application form with two references, at least one of which must be related to previous studio practice. An application form can be requested from LP. Studio practice references can include current or former tutors, technicians from other national or international studios or colleges, or a studio manager/director. Up to six images of print/photographic work are also submitted for assessment along with a recent C.V.

Membership applications are assessed by LP staff and on rare occasions, an informal meeting is with the applicant is requested. Every studio member receives a full studio induction before commencing work in the studio.

Please contact the studio by phone or email if you have any questions regarding the application process.




  • James Kearney

  • Carol Kennedy

  • Ultan McAvinue

  • David Lilburn

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