Dan Kenny

Print Media

  • Screenprinting
  • Cyanotype
  • Gum Bichromate
  • Photo Etching
  • Photography

Dan’s work incorporates a number of printmaking processes and photographic processes. ‘Many years ago I worked as a print and photographic technician at a college in England before going on to undertake a degree in photographic processes. Since that time I have incorporated photographic imagery into print processes. I work quite a lot with early, or alternative photographic processes like gum bichromate and cyanotype’.

His photographic work is nearly all shot on film and darkroom processed. Some of this work will be produced as traditional photographic images where as others will become components for screen print or other print processes. He has been a member of Limerick Printmakers for many years and has exhibited widely.

Dan Kenny>


  • Anne Marie Flannery

  • Cecily Kenny

  • James Kearney

  • Helena Grimes

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