
LP 20, a printmaking portfolio collaboration between Norwich University of the Arts, UK, and Crawford College of Art & Design, Cork with invited partners Print to the People in Norwich, Cork Printmakers and Limerick School of Art & Design.


Almost a century later, elections held across Europe clearly indicate a level of change and uncertainty
not experienced in the post-war era. The June 23rd referendum in the UK, which resulted in its decision
to leave the European Union, has sent shock waves through the remaining 27 states of the union
and has far reaching implications, none more so than between the Republic of Ireland and the UK.

Paralleling Moholy-Nagy’s format, the collaborative portfolio project BALLOT invites artists, academics
and students from institutions and organisations situated within the east of UK and Ireland
to make editioned prints in response to the process of elections and referenda.
It encourages connections between historic and contemporary political affairs and aims to raise an awareness
of the volatility of democratic processes. It elicits response to a global perspective,
but also to the unique relationship between the UK and The Republic of Ireland,
the UK’s only land border with another European country.

The print portfolio project was started at Norwich University of the Arts in 2002.
Since the first initial studio-based project in 2002, NUA has produced 12 portfolios, including collaborations
with California State University USA, Asagaya College of Art and Design Japan, Boston University USA
and Falmouth University UK. The collaboration this year with CIT Crawford College of Art and Design,
Cork Printmakers, Print to the People in Norwich is an ambitious task.
The enthusiastic response to the project is an indication of the enduring efficacy of print in a digital age
and a reassurance that ideas and opinions can be shared through materiality.
BALLOT is an activity operating within and part-funded by the Created and Contested Territories
research group at NUA.

BALLOT was previously exhibited as part of the Cork Midsummer Festival
and in Nunn’s Yard Gallery in Norwich in 2017.

Frea’s latest work retains the precision and technique of screenprinting but adopts another dimension.


  • Helena Grimes

  • Carol Kennedy

  • Tony O’Loughlin

  • Fiona Quill

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